0wx chars

Select at one of the charbases below.
There will be shown a character in a grey box.
Select the transcription of this character from the latin table.
The script will tell you if you are right and if not, it shows the correct answer.

This site ist currently in development. Actually available subpages: Futhark24, Kana, Cyrilic, Greek, Zhuyin, Hebrew, Hangeul, Abjad, Gothic, Coptic, Celtiberian.
CJK-Radicals (ATM only japanese meaning, more to follow) here: CJK.
Japanese vocabulary for travelers (also in german): Trainer
List available characters here: Charlist

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nuria cluster at [nuria.0wx.es] on 1741692011.75979 took 0.000368118286132812s to render 10145792byte of data